Wednesday, April 10, 2019

TMIC: a grab-bag of goodies as an excuse for not posting recently

I like the spiders and so much more at Ketrina Draws a Lot.

This of course is a snipped image. To see the whole thing, follow the link.
I took an online course on creativity and we had to be in groups. I tried so hard to join the 'Creationists' team. That was the only time I tried to be a creationist. How many creationists are there in the US?
Curiosity should be boundless.
Writing is an expensive job.
Very slightly related: why a writer moved away from the big cities.
Pinker's 13 tips for writing.
The home that inspired Wuthering Heights.
I have been procrastinating a lot. I presume all wannabe writers say this. Here is a look at procrastination. I'll read it later.