Wednesday, November 18, 2009

tips for improving creativity

Brain has a list of 101 ways to improve creativity.  I will try to critique a few of them, but here is the list and here are the first eleven suggestions:

Understand what your individual strengths and skills are to utilize for creation
djeich | over 2 years ago

Create your own creativity system
djeich | over 2 years ago

Undertake a new hobby every few months to see what it feels like to learn something from scratch and create
djeich | over 2 years ago

Surround yourself with creative people
djeich | over 2 years ago

Actually intentionally study creativity
djeich | over 2 years ago

Visit different countries
djeich | over 2 years ago

Live in new places often
djeich | over 2 years ago

Make a group of people with similar interests, share thoughts and improvize
brainakshay | over 2 years ago

brainakshay | over 2 years ago

Be comfortable with a high "failure rate".
UKJohn | over 2 years ago

Get into the habit of creating thought experiments - ask "what if?"

eHow has a shorter list.  It seems a little clearer as it has only six items.
Here are the first two:

  1. Step1
    Take good care of yourself. Good nutrition, a regular exercise plan and taking time to relax are all important to the creative process. When we feel good, our senses heighten, and we can be at our best creatively.
  2. Step2
    Mix things up a little. Read a book on a topic that you know nothing about. Take a new route to work, even if it takes a little longer. Most of us get into a rut because we tend to do the same types of things all the time; mixing things up a little helps our minds to work in new and creative ways.

    Paul tells us that to be imaginative, understand reality.  He mentions how Picasso first made very realistic paintings, then later warped what he saw with his mind and brush.  Jules Verne wrote about the future as he imagined it but he based it on contemporary science.  One of my wood carvings that I am most proud of is a Great Blue Heron and I studied many images of herons before I started and during the process.

    eSsortment connects creativity to problem solving and describes brainstorming and more.  One suggestion is to relax and think about other things:
    Alter your focus when faced with a problem you cannot solve. Sometimes when we face a problem we struggle with our thoughts so much, our energy is tapped. The stress that comes with this kind of problem solving also affects how we think. If the anxiety level becomes too high, parts of the brain will shut down and it is impossible to generate the ideas needed to deal with the problem. When faced with too much stress the mind goes into the fight or flight mode. This allows the mind to deal with only two alternatives, fighting the opponent or fleeing the danger. You can avoid these mind numbing emotions by altering your activity. When you feel yourself getting stressed out, or you begin losing your focus. Put the project on the back burner for a while. Allow yourself to focus on another task. Some people, golf, juggle, or exercise to get away from their mind blocks. When you return to this important task, you will have shifted from your stressed out mind set to a new relaxed and ready to conquer attitude.

    Getting away from the problem allows your subconscious mind to problem solve, while your conscious mind is occupied with other things. Sometimes you will find the solution to your problem in your sleep. This is when the subconscious mind is most active. Basically, all your experiences and learnings are stored in this part of the brain. This is where your creativity gets turbo-powered. If you can tap into this force you will have creative powers beyond your wildest expectations.

    I'm told 'The Force' also offers power beyond your wildest expectations.

    I will be spending a lot more time at m1creativity.  There are a lot of links for measuring and improving creativity.

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