Monday, June 19, 2017

TWIC:random, gurkhas, lackey, the cure, travel writing, pacing,

I guess randomizing your life is a form of creativity. The results were interesting.
And randomizing part of your travel plans.
For my own reading. The origins of the terrifying Gurkhas.
Mercedes Lackey is an incredibly prolific author and is getting tired of Quorans asking if she is a real person!
Also, she is a plotter, not a pantser.
And she is open to working with the dead.
Snider has the cure! -jerk that I am, I removed it -and shrank the image. I now know the cure - you know where to find it.

Quora and Writer's block: One. And Mercedes Lackey doesn't think Writer's Block is real.
Tips for travel writing.
Probably not purely travel related: hot keys for making PPTs.
In some stories, you learn that every action has a reason or consequence. Virtually every choice is intended to drive the plot forward or teach us about characters. But for Miyazaki, of Ghibli Studios fame, it was important to have a pause, a rest in the action. I think I have embedded the tweet and quote; if it doesn't show up when I publish the post, I'll it later.

Gary Gygax's FBI record.

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