Monday, April 3, 2017

TWIC: VPNs, carving, marketing, motivation,

I can't think of any way this relates to creativity but as an important public service, here is an article on how to secure your web browser and set up a VPN. Incredibly important!
How to sharpen wood carving tools.
Bizarre Japanese Nurse stock photos. Find information about them at that link. The photos can be found here. And #savedyouaclick: there are no tentacle porn or naked nurse photos. I, uh, didn't search for them...Well, I didn't specifically search for them.
Videos of Traditional ways of making from South Korea.
Working from anywhere: a laptop lifestyle.
Quora and Medium posts to attract readers.
Podcasting to attract readers.
What is stopping you from writing?
What's holding you back?
A poisonous grudge with another writer.
Camp Nano is going on right now!
Live like Kings and Work like Artisans.
Beautiful Bookstore
Bored scribes told a story in the margins of their illuminated manuscripts in days of yore. Why so many snails? The answer is in that video but it leaves out the possibility of a warning against Uzumaki!

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